The AperFix System

Cayenne Medical’s platform technology The AperFix® System, released in 2007, is a proven, strong, rapid, and reproducible system for soft tissue multi-ligament reconstruction of the knee. Now the same proven system has a new enhanced design – The AperFix® II System!
AperFix® II offers a complete anatomic solution for soft tissue multi-ligament reconstruction; including ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, and MPFL.
The AperFix® II System addresses the unmet needs in soft tissue multi-ligament reconstruction by providing strong aperture fixation and a system designed to restore the natural knee kinematics.

The AperFix® II Femoral Fixation
The AperFix® II Femoral device is proven to restore the native ACL footprint through an unrivaled, simple technique – providing an ideal healing environment through:


AperFix® II Femoral Fixation Device
* Aperture Fixation, providing unsurpassed graft stiffness to replicate the native ACL*
* New innovative solutions for Multi-Ligament Reconstruction techniques
* High Pull-Out Strength 1479N*
* 32% less anterior translation than cortical buttons*
* Simple Revisions

The AperFix® II Tibial Fixation
The AperFix® II Cannulated Tibial Device allows for precise anatomic positioning of the tibial implant and delivers strong, rigid fixation through:

AperFix® II Tibial Fixation Device
* NEW Cannulated Screw and Sheath system for precise anatomic positioning
* Circumferential graft compression promoting bone to tendon healing
* High pull out strength 1165N*
* Two part sheath for graft preservation
* Pre-packaged Driver with Sheath Inserter and Tibial Sheaths
* Ideal modulus to minimize stress shielding and tunnel widening
* Bio-inert PEEK material, eliminating inflammatory responses

Intended Use
The AperFix® II Femoral Implant with Inserter is intended for use in tenodesis procedures with soft tissue grafts, utilizing either arthroscopic or open techniques, during Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL), Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL), Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL), and Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) reconstruction. Please consult product labels for indications, contraindications, hazards, warnings, cautions, and information for use.


AperFix Femoral İmplant                                            AperFix Tibial İmplant


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